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- Comprehensive ABA Therapy Services in Grapevine for Autism in Kids | Unique Pathways
nuestro enfoque Ofrecemos ABA holístico, apropiado para el desarrollo y de la más alta calidad con objetivos de habla y lenguaje para jóvenes de 2 a 22 años. Nuestro equipo de técnicos de conducta registrados (RBT, por sus siglas en inglés) de alto calibre y talento es supervisado por nuestros BCBA y BCaBA mientras recibe capacitación continua para mantener el más alto nivel de profesionalismo y experiencia. Cada programa está diseñado específicamente para satisfacer las necesidades de desarrollo del niño. Nuestros programas están diseñados para fomentar el pensamiento dinámico y flexible, facilitar relaciones significativas con compañeros y familiares, desarrollar independencia y autodefensa, y enseñar habilidades para la vida. NUESTROS SERVICIOS Nuestro experimentado equipo de terapeutas de BCBA, BCaBA y RBT se enorgullece en ofrecer varios tipos de servicios, que se adaptan a las necesidades de desarrollo de su hijo. Nos adherimos a un enfoque de equipo colaborativo con usted, proveedores de servicios adicionales (SLP, OT, PT) y la escuela de su hijo. TERAPIA DE ABA GRUPOS DE HABILIDADES SOCIALES HABLA Y LENGUAJE ENTRENAMIENTO PARA LOS PADRES CONSULTAS DEL PLAN IEP/504 OBSERVACIONES DE LA ESCUELA TELESALUD REFERENCIAS DE SERVICIO DE SOPORTE tratamiento personalizado No hay dos niños iguales; ¡y nos ENCANTA eso! Nuestro enfoque en ABA apropiado para el desarrollo se enfoca en crear e implementar un plan individualizado para cerrar las deficiencias de habilidades y mejorar las fortalezas de cada niño. Nuestro equipo en Unique Pathways está disponible para servir a su familia en nuestros centros seguros y amigables o en el entorno familiar de su hogar con opciones de tiempo completo, tiempo parcial y después de la escuela. Los servicios de terapia de análisis de comportamiento aplicado (ABA) en Unique Pathways permiten que nuestros BCBA y BCaBA capacitados se asocien con cada familia de las siguientes maneras: Evaluacion Funcional de la conducta Planes de tratamiento Autoayuda y habilidades sociales Entrenamiento en el contexto natural Habilidades para la vida adulta y desarrollo vocacional CONOCE A NUESTRO EQUIPO OUR ABA PROGRAMS Develop core life skills Grapevine, TX Unique Pathways offers comprehensive suite of ABA programs, each tailored to foster specific areas of development. Nuestros Programas de ABA... Desarrollar Habilidades esenciales para la vida Regulación Emocional Practique el uso de respuestas apropiadas a muchos tipos de estímulos ambientales. Social Practique compartir, turnarse para hablar, escuchar activamente y manejar situaciones difíciles. Comunicación Aprenda a usar y comprender técnicas de comunicación verbal y no verbal. Independencia Experienca práctica con la planificación, la reunificacion de materiales, el vestido y el arreglo personal. Enfoque Aprende estrategias para evitar distracciones y tener más éxito en el salón de clases. Ocupacional Obtenga comodidad al completar las tareas diarias necesarias sin abrumarse sensorialmente. PARENT COACHING & PARTNERSHIP Parent engagement with the care team and at-home reinforcement of concepts is critical to a child's success. Your child's care team will work with you to develop a custom curriculum plan. Weekly coaching is required for our parents to continue lessons at home to maximize intervention treatment. Full transparency and communication are an integral part of our partnership; therefore, parents have full access to all our data and are communicated daily through our encrypted texting system. SHADOWING Our Clinical Team works alongside your child in settings where extra support enables their success. School is a typical outlet for this partnership, but we can also serve your child at practice, lessons, and more. SOCIAL SKILLS We partner with families to encourage their children to reach their full potential when engaging in social situations, whether that involves talking through social scenarios with a therapist ("What could you say if...") to prepare them for life's curveballs or engaging in social time at our center... your child's therapist will be by their side to help them interpret, engage, and ultimately to get more enjoyment from future social interactions. COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS We partner with organizations like the Police, Fire Department, Grapevine Rec, and others to familiarize our clients with interacting with these agencies and to familiarize the agencies with the unique needs that their future clients may have. EXCEPTIONAL THERAPY ROOMS Our developmentally appropriate, sensory-friendly therapy rooms will engage your child in a welcoming, cheerful environment. We believe that therapy is most effective when children enjoy the space and are motivated to interact with their therapist. Our themed rooms offer unique decor, games, themes, and learning opportunities. NUESTROS ESPACIOS DE TERAPIA Nuestra terapia esta " oculta " en juego! Nuestros espacios cuentan con elementos de juego temáticos apropiados para el desarrollo en todas partes. , música, amigos, juguetes, juegos... a su hijo le encantará recorrer el brillante, colorido, limpio, AMIGABLE salas de terapias para ninos. the EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER ages 2-7 Tea Party for 2 Our littler kiddos LOVE the bright, engaging dramatic-play kitchen. They have so much fun playing with their therapist that they don't even notice all of the social and developmental skills that their therapist is sneaking into the session during the tea party! Our lil artists Kid-friendly spaces Adventure Room Adventure Room Children's brains don't work as well in bland, clinical, boring spaces. Our thematic, developmentally-appropriate rooms are all immersive, engaging and hand-curated for our clients. Superhero Room Grafitti Room Graffiti Room Graffiti Room Kiddos, channel your inner rebel and come practice your ABA Therapy skills in our awesome Graffiti Room! Mohawks and leather vests are optional. Jungle Room Jungle Room Jungle Room Mozart, who?? Music is important in so many ways for a child's developing brain! We will have your kiddos rockin' and groovin' to some tunes that only a Mother (and an ABA therapist) could love! Sports Room Sports Room He Shoots! He Scores! Hit the hoops for some gross motor skills, teamsmanship, and social skills practice... ABA therapist hype-person and sideline coach included. Einstein Room Einstein Room Einstein Room Don't worry, we also practice ABCs and 123s around here (but mud puddles are so much fun!) Outdoor games We play all of the kid-faves in our outdoor areas. Whether chalk, mud puddles, catch, bubbles, or just taking a walk to downtown or the Grapevine REC. Car wash Sharing, squeezing, squirting, socializing... our car washes come with a secret side-helping of ABA therapy! Sidewalk art Just a coupla' chalky guys, practicing our fine motor, art, and socializing skills over here! Lunch Break Our kiddos often take snack and lunch breaks together in the lunch room... more time to practice those cafeteria skills for the future! Outdoor sand table Reading Nook Mud Puddles Whether or not our kiddos actually enjoy squishing their toes in the mud, squeezing water from sponges is always a hit! the INTERMEDIATE & adolescent CENTER ages 8-22 Learning via play Basketball Teen lounge (temporarily overtaken by a staff meeting, but hey, it's a comfy place to lounge!!) Lounge decor Bright spaces Outside play Motivational art Comfy chairs Our older kids don't really care what kind of therapy they are doing, as long as they can do it in these awesome, colorful fidget-friendly chairs! Motor skills Sweat it out In our older kids' facility, we have an athletics room to practice coordination, building muscle tone, and lots of fun ways we can move our bodies for greater health! Bright and fun art colorful art decor for teen clients Puzzle Time Our Main St. facility has an extra sunny and bright room on the 2nd floor... perfect for looking out over the neighborhood, working on fine motor skills with a puzzle, and chatting about the day with your child's therapist! Wanna race? Score! Older kids will gain familiarity with common sports and developmentally-appropriate games that they are likely to encounter around town. Hanging out in our teen lounge and keeping score during a foosball tourney is like teen-heaven! Contact Us Transform your child's life. Contact us for personalized ABA therapy today! Contact Us EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER 313 W Wall St. Grapevine, TX (817) 442-7086 M-F: 8:00AM-5:30PM INTERMEDIATE & ADOLESCENT CENTER 1131-1143 S Main St. Grapevine, TX (817) 442-7086 M-F: 8:00AM-5:30PM
- Careers | Unique Pathways
¡AHORA CONTRATANDO A LOS MEJORES! Dedicación. Empatía. Pasión. ¡Permítanos invertir en usted! ¿Eres paciente, cariñoso, enérgico y creativo? ¿Está orientado al equipo y valora el trabajo duro? Estamos buscando personas que deseen comenzar o avanzar en una CARRERA de por vida en Análisis de Comportamiento Aplicado. Ofrecemos capacitación continua, controles semanales de autocuidado con su líder y comunicación diaria con los supervisores para ayudarlo y apoyarlo a medida que continúa aprendiendo, creciendo y avanzando en su carrera. Nuestra propietaria, Jennifer Helten, cree en la regla de oro y que un equipo valioso y respaldado garantizará servicios de alta calidad para nuestros clientes. Nuestro equipo de liderazgo hace todo lo posible para cuidar de usted; los beneficios son geniales, las reuniones de personal son divertidas y todos los miembros del equipo son tratados con dignidad y respeto. Contratamos personas compasivas con una fuerte ética de trabajo y esperamos altos estándares para la atención al paciente que brindamos, pero la recompensa vale la pena. No habrá un día en el que no se ría con sus compañeros de trabajo o los niños a los que servimos. Y tendrás una familia instantánea. NotanotherABAmill no es solo nuestro hashtag; es nuestra cultura. Unique Pathways se fundó sobre nuestros cuatro valores fundamentales. El niño, nuestra misión, nuestro equipo y nuestra comunidad. La calidad sobre la cantidad, la promoción profesional y la colaboración son solo algunas de las virtudes que puede esperar encontrar con nosotros. CONOCE AL EQUIPO APLICA HOY PUESTOS DISPONIBLES 1 puestos disponibles BCBA Requisitos de la posición: Maestría en Análisis de Comportamiento Aplicado o campo relacionado Certificación de BACB® y Licenciado por la Junta de Medicina en el Estado de TX Trabajo de campo práctico en el campo de ABA Solicitud de empleo completada (en línea) Resume 2 puestos disponibles BCaBA Requisitos de la posición: Licenciatura Certificación de BACB® y Licenciado por la Junta de Medicina en el Estado de TX Trabajo de campo práctico en el campo de ABA Solicitud de empleo completa (en línea) Reanudar 5 posiciones disponibles RBT Requisitos de la posición: Debe tener 18 años de edad Diploma de escuela secundaria o GED Certificación del BACB® (si se completó previamente la certificación RBT) Se prefiere una licenciatura o trabajar para obtener una licenciatura (proporcionar transcripciones) Solicitud completa (en línea) Resume 1 puesto disponible Patólogo del habla Position Requirements: Master's Degree in Speech-Language Pathology from an accredited university Texas State License Passing Score on the Praxis Exam Obtain a Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) in Speech-Language Pathology through (ASHA) 1 puesto disponible Asistente patólogo del habla Position Requirements: Bachelor's Degree in Communication Sciences/ Disorders Complete 25 hours of Clinical Observation and 25 hours of Clinical Assisting Experience Pass the Texas Jurisprudence Examination Texas State License Applications are now being accepted. Follow the link below! APPLY TODAY > El equipo de Unique Pathways disfruta GRANDES BENEFICIOS Y VENTAJAS ESTUPENDO TRABAJO CLIMATIZADO Pistas competitivas de pago y avance profesional para todos los puestos Programa de Asesoramiento y Asistencia Financiera Garantía de horas para cancelaciones de clientes de última hora Política generosa de tiempo libre pagado Y mucho más... BENEFICIOS MEDICOS Cobertura médica grupal Cobertura de la vista Cobertura dental Seguro de vida y AD&D Discapacidad a corto y largo plazo Grupo AFLAC CARRERA PROFESIONAL DESARROLLO Pistas de crecimiento y avance de BCBA/RBT Grupos de estudio BCBA/RBT Ubicación de la práctica de supervisión de BCBA Capacitación de la empresa trimestralmente pagada Certificación de capacitación en crisis MANDT ACADÉMICO CAMARADERÍA Reducción de matrícula de posgrado y licenciatura con Purdue University WANT TO WORK SOMEWHERE THAT BRINGS YOU JOY? D3FA7C14-31E9-4C5A-AF12-FEED72EC6FE1_1_201_a IMG_7520 Aug.2023.Group-2 D3FA7C14-31E9-4C5A-AF12-FEED72EC6FE1_1_201_a 1/19 want to learn more? Check out our educational resource video! POR QUÉ AMO MI TRABAJO Trabajar en Unique Pathways me ayudó a desarrollar mi confianza y reforzó la idea de que puedes sentirte apreciado en el trabajo y disfrutar de estar en el lugar de trabajo. Me siento muy valorado, apreciado y escuchado. En los primeros 3 meses, hay una oportunidad de avanzar y varias otras después. Hay tiempo para crecer y capacitarse, incluso si ha estado en el campo. El propietario, los supervisores y el administrador se toman el tiempo para escuchar las inquietudes; incluso lo alientan enviando varios correos electrónicos solicitando comentarios. Las pequeñas cosas como refrigerios, bebidas, fiestas y el control ocasional de la salud mental realmente hacen que este sea un ambiente positivo. Sé que muchos lugares dicen "es como una familia", pero este lugar realmente lo hace, y disfruto estar aquí. ~Monique, BCBA APLICA TU PASIÓN Después de graduarme de la escuela secundaria, no tenía el dinero para ir a la universidad de inmediato. Siempre me han gustado los niños y un amigo me habló de trabajar aquí en Unique Pathways. Pensé que necesitaría una maestría incluso para comenzar, pero me contrataron e inmediatamente me inscribieron en un programa profesional de RBT. Me certificaron en 6 meses y ahora tengo 3 clientes en el centro. Esperan de usted una atención y un trabajo de alta calidad, pero, sinceramente, no debería estar en este tipo de trabajo si, naturalmente, no quiere trabajar tan duro para dulces niños clientes de todos modos! UN DÍA EN LA VIDA... Un día típico aquí generalmente implica un comienzo a las 9 a.m., donde actualiza los archivos de su caso y coordina los planes de atención del día con el equipo. mejore su plan de juego para cada cliente. Tendrá 2-3 clientes por día y pasará 2 horas con cada uno de ellos. Juega -terapia basada en adorables salas de tratamiento y ayúdelos a navegar cosas como habilidades sociales, manejo de conflictos y hacer frente a situaciones que pueden ser realmente incómodas para alguien con una mayor conciencia sensorial (sonidos fuertes, texturas viscosas, etc). Tiene mucha flexibilidad para personalizar su enfoque para cada paciente, todo mientras trabaja en los objetivos del plan de tratamiento y mantiene a los padres del niño y al BCBA actualizados sobre el progreso. Básicamente le pagan para jugar y ayudar a ki ds que lo necesitan. Es muy gratificante. APLICA HOY
- Admissions | Unique Pathways
admisiones Solicite a continuación para inscribir a su hijo en los servicios de terapia de Unique Pathways. Tenga a mano el diagnóstico médico y la información del seguro de su hijo. Solicitud de inscripción Schedule a Consult Cómo funciona 1 inscribirse en línea Solicite en línea la admisión a nuestro programa ABA. Necesitará una copia del diagnóstico médico y la documentación del seguro de su hijo. FORMULARIO DE INSCRIPCIÓN 2 VERIFICACIÓN DE BENEFICIOS Nuestro gerente de oficina se comunicará con su proveedor de seguros para verificar los beneficios de los servicios. 3 Consulta Nos comunicaremos con usted para programar una consulta GRATUITA que describa nuestro proceso paso a paso. La consulta será con nuestro Analista de Comportamiento Certificado (BCBA), Analista Asistente de Comportamiento Certificado (BCaBA) o Patólogo del Habla. 4 evaluación Los tiempos de evaluación serán programados y administrados por nuestro BCBA o BCaBA, y se diseñará el plan de tratamiento personalizado de su hijo. 5 presentación del plan de tratamiento El plan de tratamiento personalizado de su hijo se enviará a su proveedor de seguros una vez que hayamos recibido su consentimiento para implementar los servicios. 6 ¡Comienzan los servicios! ¡Con la aprobación de su proveedor de seguros, se diseña un cronograma colaborativo y comienzan los servicios! SEGURO Nuestros servicios ABA están completamente cubiertos por muchas aseguradoras, con un diagnóstico médico y una derivación para su hijo. Por favor vea los aseguradores que acceptamos, y felizmente completaremos una pre-autorizacion con su provedor. Los servicios de pago privado y acuerdos de caso único (SCA) también están disponibles. To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Schedule a call or Tour today! Scheduler Links Schedule Consult/Tour Ages 2-7 Schedule Consult/Tour Ages 8+ Schedule a Call with Tierra
- Our Journey | Unique Pathways
NUESTRAS UBICACIONES Nuestro 2 hermosos centros están convenientemente ubicados cerca del centro de Grapevine. Hi, I'm Jennifer Helten. I am the owner and founder of Unique Pathways, and I would like to tell you about the journey that led me here. I am always asked how I came into Applied Behavior Analysis. The simple answer is I fell into it. I moved to Texas to work as a nanny when I was twenty years old. Three months into my employment, the family's third child was diagnosed with Autism. You have to understand, 25-years ago, the diagnosis rate for children affected with ASD was 1 in 10,000 children. My only knowledge of Autism was based on the movie "Rain Man." Fast forward two years, and I decided to become a Behavior Therapist. 20-years later, Unique Pathways was founded. How I came into this profession has a simple answer, but God's intended path for me started nearly 34-years ago, if the truth is told. To understand my passion, it is time for the story behind the story ... In 1986, my family experienced the most significant trauma a family could ever experience, the loss of a child and sibling. I was nine days from celebrating my 11th birthday when a hit-and-run drunk driver killed my five-year-old brother. My entire family's lives changed forever that day. So much happened during those next few weeks. Countless family and friends visited. We lived in a small farming community in Kansas, so news of my brother's death spread like wild-fire, and within days, the local news station picked up our story. I remember being kept from my parents so they could grieve. I remember news reporters wanting to speak to my parents and the adults around them. I remember it just being about grief; only the adults were allowed to feel. I asked my parents why people were not talking to my siblings and me? Why was our story not being told? My parents had no response and encouraged me to write the news station and ask why we could not share our story. With their support, I did just that. I sent a handwritten letter to the news station and asked why they did not want to hear from my brother's siblings? I explained that we were all affected too. We were grieving. I waited for a response. I never got one. I was angry. Why was my voice, and the voice of my siblings, less significant than those of my parents? I have always been a protector. The more children I have had the privilege to work with, the more I remembered how kids need someone to provide them a voice, much like we did when we were young and grieving. Kids need someone to meet them at their level, cheer them on, support them, celebrate every victory they have worked so hard to achieve, and to reassure them that someone finally understands and is going to help them. Still, more importantly, kids need someone that is listening and saying, "I want to hear you!" That is who Unique Pathways is. We are the team surrounding your child, meeting them at their level, cheering them on, celebrating every victory, supporting them, reassuring them, and giving them a voice! I look forward to the opportunity to serve your family. Thank you for being here~ founder + CEO. grapevine mom.
- ABA Therapy | Unique Pathways
nuestro enfoque Ofrecemos ABA holístico, apropiado para el desarrollo y de la más alta calidad con objetivos de habla y lenguaje para jóvenes de 2 a 22 años. Nuestro equipo de técnicos de conducta registrados (RBT, por sus siglas en inglés) de alto calibre y talento es supervisado por nuestros BCBA y BCaBA mientras recibe capacitación continua para mantener el más alto nivel de profesionalismo y experiencia. Cada programa está diseñado específicamente para satisfacer las necesidades de desarrollo del niño. Nuestros programas están diseñados para fomentar el pensamiento dinámico y flexible, facilitar relaciones significativas con compañeros y familiares, desarrollar independencia y autodefensa, y enseñar habilidades para la vida. NUESTROS SERVICIOS Nuestro experimentado equipo de terapeutas de BCBA, BCaBA y RBT se enorgullece en ofrecer varios tipos de servicios, que se adaptan a las necesidades de desarrollo de su hijo. Nos adherimos a un enfoque de equipo colaborativo con usted, proveedores de servicios adicionales (SLP, OT, PT) y la escuela de su hijo. TERAPIA DE ABA GRUPOS DE HABILIDADES SOCIALES HABLA Y LENGUAJE ENTRENAMIENTO PARA LOS PADRES CONSULTAS DEL PLAN IEP/504 OBSERVACIONES DE LA ESCUELA TELESALUD REFERENCIAS DE SERVICIO DE SOPORTE tratamiento personalizado No hay dos niños iguales; ¡y nos ENCANTA eso! Nuestro enfoque en ABA apropiado para el desarrollo se enfoca en crear e implementar un plan individualizado para cerrar las deficiencias de habilidades y mejorar las fortalezas de cada niño. Nuestro equipo en Unique Pathways está disponible para servir a su familia en nuestros centros seguros y amigables o en el entorno familiar de su hogar con opciones de tiempo completo, tiempo parcial y después de la escuela. Los servicios de terapia de análisis de comportamiento aplicado (ABA) en Unique Pathways permiten que nuestros BCBA y BCaBA capacitados se asocien con cada familia de las siguientes maneras: Evaluacion Funcional de la conducta Planes de tratamiento Autoayuda y habilidades sociales Entrenamiento en el contexto natural Habilidades para la vida adulta y desarrollo vocacional CONOCE A NUESTRO EQUIPO Nuestros Programas de ABA... Desarrollar Habilidades esenciales para la vida Regulación Emocional Practique el uso de respuestas apropiadas a muchos tipos de estímulos ambientales. Social Practique compartir, turnarse para hablar, escuchar activamente y manejar situaciones difíciles. Comunicación Aprenda a usar y comprender técnicas de comunicación verbal y no verbal. Independencia Experienca práctica con la planificación, la reunificacion de materiales, el vestido y el arreglo personal. Enfoque Aprende estrategias para evitar distracciones y tener más éxito en el salón de clases. Ocupacional Obtenga comodidad al completar las tareas diarias necesarias sin abrumarse sensorialmente. NUESTROS ESPACIOS DE TERAPIA Nuestra terapia esta " oculta " en juego! Nuestros espacios cuentan con elementos de juego temáticos apropiados para el desarrollo en todas partes. , música, amigos, juguetes, juegos... a su hijo le encantará recorrer el brillante, colorido, limpio, AMIGABLE salas de terapias para ninos. the EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER ages 2-7 Tea Party for 2! Our littler kiddos LOVE the bright, engaging dramatic-play kitchen. They have so much fun playing with their therapist that they don't even notice all of the social and developmental skills that their therapist is sneaking into the session during the tea party! Our lil artist's creations! Kid-friendly, happy spaces here! ADVENTURE ROOM! Inside the dreamy adventure room Children's brains don't work as well in bland, clinical, boring spaces. Our thematic, developmentally-appropriate rooms are all immersive, engaging and hand-curated for our clients. SUPERHERO ROOM! Inside the Superhero Room Bold and strong colors... just like a Superhero! Art in the Super Hero Room! Fan Fave: Calling all Super Heroes! Ready to play-act a socio-emotional scenario between the Hulk and SpiderMan?? Bring it on! Superhero Toys, of course! GRAFFITI ROOM! Inside the Graffiti Room Graffiti Room is Calling All Rocker Kids! Kiddos, channel your inner rebel and come practice your ABA Therapy skills in our awesome Graffiti Room! Mohawks and leather vests are optional. JUNGLE ROOM! Inside the Jungle Room Jungle Room toys Mozart, who?? Music is important in so many ways for a child's developing brain! We will have your kiddos rockin' and groovin' to some tunes that only a Mother (and an ABA therapist) could love! SPORTS ROOM! SHOW MORE the INTERMEDIATE & adolescent CENTER ages 8-22 Learning thru play? Yes, please! Bball players at work! The teen lounge room (temporarily overtaken by a staff meeting, but hey, it's a comfy place to lounge!!) Game lounge decor is teen approved! Bright, sunshiney spaces to learn and grow! Fresh air + outside play + teens = the best ABA therapy! Subliminal messages? Maybe. Gorgeous therapy spaces? Definitely. Have a Spin! Our older kids don't really care what kind of therapy they are doing, as long as they can do it in these awesome, colorful fidget-friendly chairs! Fine motor skill workouts! Sweat it out! In our older kids' facility, we have an athletics room to practice coordination, building muscle tone, and lots of fun ways we can move our bodies for greater health! Can't have a bad day with these guys looking over your shoulder! colorful art decor for teen clients Puzzle Time Our Main St. facility has an extra sunny and bright room on the 2nd floor... perfect for looking out over the neighborhood, working on fine motor skills with a puzzle, and chatting about the day with your child's therapist! Wanna race? Who says teens can't have fun with toys! SCORE! Older kids will gain familiarity with common sports and developmentally-appropriate games that they are likely to encounter around town. Hanging out in our teen lounge and keeping score during a foosball tourney is like teen-heaven! ENTRENAMIENTO PARA PADRES Y COLABORACIÓN La participación de los padres con el equipo de atención y el refuerzo de conceptos en el hogar es fundamental para el éxito de un niño. El equipo de su hijo trabajará con usted para desarrollar un plan de estudios personalizado. Se requiere entrenamiento semanal para que nuestros padres continúen las lecciones en casa para maximizar el tratamiento de intervención. La transparencia total y la comunicación son una parte integral de nuestra asociación; por lo tanto, los padres tienen acceso completo a todos nuestros datos y se comunican diariamente a través de nuestro sistema de mensajes de texto encriptados. OBSERVACION EN LA ESCUELA Nuestro equipo clínico trabaja junto a su hijo en entornos donde el apoyo adicional permite su éxito. La escuela es una salida típica para esta asociación, pero también estamos disponibles para atender a su hijo en prácticas, lecciones y más dentro de la escuela. HABILIDADES SOCIALES Nos asociamos con las familias para alentar a sus hijos a alcanzar su máximo potencial cuando participan en situaciones sociales. Si eso implica hablar sobre escenarios sociales con un terapeuta ("¿Qué podría usted decir si...") para prepararlos para las curvas de la vida, o para participar en tiempo social en nuestro centro... el terapeuta de su hijo estará a su lado para ayudarlo a interpretar, participar y, en última instancia, disfrutar más del futuro con interacciones sociales. CONEXIONES COMUNITARIAS Unique Pathways ha creado un taller mensual gratuito para padres con TEA en la Biblioteca Grapevine para compartir lo que sabemos, incluso con los que no son clientes. y otros para familiarizar a nuestros clientes con la interacción con estas agencias, y para familiarizar a las agencias con las necesidades únicas que puedan tener sus futuros clientes. SALAS DE TERAPIA EXCEPCIONALES Nuestras salas de terapia sensoriales y apropiadas para el desarrollo involucrarán a su hijo en un ambiente alegre y acogedor. Nuestras habitaciones temáticas ofrecen decoración unica, juegos, temas y oportunidades de aprendizaje únicos.
- Children's ABA Autism Therapy Grapevine TX | Unique Pathways
unique pathways grapevine, tx our speech therapy program has grown! Check it out! NUESTRA MISIÓN Unique Pathways, LLC es una organización cristiana privada y sin disculpas cuya misión es empoderar a los padres, brindarles a los niños una voz y brindar servicios de intervención de calidad a todas las familias de una manera colaborativa, innovadora y compasiva. Creemos que TODOS los niños son creados iguales, y es su derecho divino ser tratados y atendidos con la misma dignidad y respeto que todo ser humano merece. #notanotherABAmill La elección número 1 de Dallas-Fort Worth para ganadores de premios EN TERAPIA DE ABA Ofrecemos terapia de análisis conductual aplicado (ABA, por sus siglas en inglés) para desarrollar habilidades para la vida en jóvenes de 2 a 22 años con autismo y otras diferencias de desarrollo en un entorno enriquecedor, sensorialmente amigable y positivo. Nuestro experimentado equipo de terapeutas de BCBA y RBT se enorgullece de ofrecer varios tipos de atención, que siempre se adaptarán a las necesidades de su hijo y se abordarán en un concepto de equipo colaborativo con usted y los otros proveedores de atención de su hijo, si así lo desea. Un centro local, propiedad de mamá y operado por un terapeuta. TERAPIA DE ABA GRUPOS DE HABILIDADES SOCIALES HABLA Y LENGUAJE ENTRENAMIENTO PARA LOS PADRES CONSULTAS DEL PLAN IEP/504 OBSERVACIONES DE LA ESCUELA TELESALUD REFERENCIAS DE SERVICIO DE SOPORTE Ganador del premio "MEJOR DE GRAPEVINE" 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Miembro orgulloso de Grapevine Cámara de Comercio Ganador del premio "MEJOR DE GRAPEVINE" Proudly featured on the view point with dennis quaid Check it out! Insurance planes de seguro aceptados: To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. APLICA HOY LAS OPCIONES DE PAGO PRIVADO TAMBIÉN ESTÁN DISPONIBLES. CONSULTE. CONTÁCTENOS INSCRIPCIÓN CONOCER AL EQUIPO CADA NIÑO ES ÚNICO. NUESTRO CENTRO TAMBIÉN LO ES. Nos preocupamos por su hijo y ofrecemos servicios individualizados para satisfacer sus necesidades. Photo Gallery galería de fotos Por favor, no se preocupen por nuestras manos calcáreas o pies descalzos sobre la hierba... ¡Nos encanta el juego práctico! 1/16 ¡ESTAMOS CONTRATANDO! ¿Conoce a alguien que esté buscando una carrera en ABA, le apasione hacer un cambio significativo en la vida de un niño, esté orientado al equipo y valore el trabajo duro? Nos encantaría conversar con ellos sobre comenzar o continuar su carrera! Salario competitivo, beneficios, muchas ventajas adicionales, trabajo en el adorable Grapevine y un propietario que se preocupa por tu crecimiento y tu carrera. Además, a veces jugamos con plastilina durante las reuniones de personal._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Ven a ver por qué tenemos un equipo tan feliz. Aplica hoy Contáctenos Primer nombre Apellido Correo electrónico Mensaje Enviar Gracias por enviar ¡Estaremos en contacto! Contact
- Our Locations | Unique Pathways
NUESTRAS UBICACIONES Nuestro 2 hermosos centros están convenientemente ubicados cerca del centro de Grapevine. CENTRO DE PRIMERA INFANCIA ABA directo y habilidades sociales, capacitación para padres, seguimiento y servicios del habla para niños diagnosticados con autismo, ADD/ADHD y otras diferencias de desarrollo. Este centro cuenta con áreas de juego temáticas apropiadas para el desarrollo, áreas de juego al aire libre y juguetes y juegos apropiados para la edad que esperan a su hijo. 313 W. Wall St. Grapevine, TX 76051 Schedule a Consult/Tour Ages 2-7 edades 2-7 INTERMEDIO & CENTRO ADOLESCENTE Este centro ofrece ABA directo y desarrollo de habilidades sociales, capacitación para padres, seguimiento y servicios del habla para niños diagnosticados con autismo, ADD/ADHD y otras diferencias de desarrollo. Este centro está dirigido a nuestros clientes jóvenes mayores y cuenta con una sala de estar al aire libre apropiada para el desarrollo, una sala de estar interior con TV y mesa de futbolín, salas de terapia privadas y alberga nuestras noches de habilidades sociales para adolescentes. 1131 S Main St. Grapevine, TX 76051 Schedule a Consult/Tour Ages 8+ edades 8-22 EN EL HOGAR EN EL COLEGIO ¡SESIONES DE TERAPIA TAMBIÉN DISPONIBLES!
- Contacte a Unique Pathways para Edades 2-7
NUESTRA MISIÓN Unique Pathways, LLC es una organización cristiana privada y sin disculpas cuya misión es empoderar a los padres, brindarles a los niños una voz y brindar servicios de intervención de calidad a todas las familias de una manera colaborativa, innovadora y compasiva. Creemos que TODOS los niños son creados iguales, y es su derecho divino ser tratados y atendidos con la misma dignidad y respeto que todo ser humano merece. Contáctenos Primer nombre Apellido Correo electrónico Mensaje Enviar Gracias por enviar ¡Estaremos en contacto! Address 313 W. Wall St. Grapevine, TX Phone Phone 817-442-7086 Mail Email Connect with Us
- Our Team | Unique Pathways
Conozca a nuestro equipo Ejecutivo Speech BCBA + BCBABA RBT de plomo RBT Exec Team equipo ejecutivo Jennifer Helten Founder and CEO Hi there! I am the founder, owner, and CEO of Unique Pathways. I did not plan a career in ABA, and I did not anticipate owning a company at any point in my life. My love was, and still is, the ocean. I had planned on becoming a Marine Biologist specializing in the study of sharks. God had other plans and is continuing to lead me through the journey I am currently on. I began my career over 25 years ago when I took a job as a nanny in Dallas. One of the kids was diagnosed with Autism. At that time, I had not heard of ABA, and my knowledge of autism was limited; think "Rain Man." As I observed and learned more about the science, I made the decision to become a direct therapist, and so began my journey. I have worked with children as young as 18 months and as old as 23 all of whom had varied skill, behavior, and development levels. I have assisted in designing numerous IEPs and accompanied families of school-age children to their annual ARD meetings. I shadowed 20 of my 25 years in private schools throughout the DFW metroplex. I designed and led yearly-held summer camps; targeting social and emotional development, and had the privilege of traveling with families, domestically and abroad, in order for their child to actively participate in family vacations. In 2015, I was hired to start and oversee the shadowing program for a private Christian school in Grapevine, Texas. Shortly thereafter, I was promoted to Director and, after five years, resigned to focus solely on Unique Pathways. Additionally, I sit on multiple expert panels designed to assist ABA business owners. ABA must remain child-focused, tailoring each program to meet the child's development and needs. I value quality over quantity. I am originally from Kansas and the oldest of seven children. I have been with my husband for 25 years. We have a beautiful daughter, a German Shepherd named Sophie, and a cat named Goldie. Once upon a time, you would have found my husband and me cruising around town on our Harleys; however, we have traded our bikes in for the next best thing, an oldie but Goldy, CJ-7 Jeep. I enjoy meeting new people and look forward to God's path for me. #notanotherABAmill Paul Boettcher, M.S. Clinical Director Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) Licensed Behavior Analyst (LBA) I am originally from South Dakota but have been living in the Dallas Metro for almost five years. I grew up all over the Midwestern United States and have also lived in northern Canada. I am a Christian and have been since April 4, 2013, which is my primary reason for being in a sensitive and amazing field such as this one! I am married with three wonderful children. I received my undergraduate degree in psychology from South Dakota State University while working for a behavior analytic company and accumulating experience for approximately 2 years as a line-level therapist for individuals with autism. Simultaneously, I attended The Sage Colleges M.S. program in Applied Behavior Analysis and Autism and am currently a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). Before coming to Unique Pathways, I served as a Clinical Supervisor over school-based, home-based, residential, and consult-based programs in a variety of settings. I have extensive experience assessing, programming, and creating a successful program for individuals with autism and related disorders. I also have experience conducting in-depth training with parents, school professionals, and clinical staff. I'm now the Clinical Director after serving as the Lead BCBA at Unique Pathways for four years and absolutely love what we are trying to accomplish as a company. I am blessed to be part of a team that genuinely cares for all children and is motivated by providing quality service to others. #notanotherABAmill Tierra Mathews Office Manager I was born in South Bend, Indiana but raised in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. I am currently majoring in Psychology intending to receive my Bachelor's in the fall of 2020. I have known my entire life that I wanted to help people, in particular, children. I spent two years coaching volleyball and six years working with kids in different programs such as the YMCA. I’ve been working with Unique Pathways for three years as a Registered Behavior Technician, and I’m in love with the field of ABA. At the age of 26, it’s not often you find a job where you see your hard work directly change lives. I’ve always known I wanted to work with children, but I’m blessed to be part of a team that’s driven with passion and integrity. I enjoy so much being able to come to work every day and make an impression on the life of a child. I hope with this experience, and a degree in psychology, I can continue to grow and help make significant impacts on lives daily in our community. I am blessed to be with a company with so much passion and purpose. #notanotherABAmill speech & Language Pathologists Speech Therapists Speech & Language Pathologist Justice Stockton, MS, CCC-SLP Certified Speech & Language Pathologist Hey, y'all! I was born in Waco, TX but raised in the Dallas area (Duncanville, specifically)! I have been a Speech Language Pathologist for 3 years now and truly enjoy my work. I graduated with my Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Speech Pathology from Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, TX. While at SFA, I met my now husband, Joshua, and we moved back to Dallas to be closer to my family. I come from a pretty big family, and we are super close, so I love having them down the street from me. I always knew I wanted to do something in the helping profession, and during my junior and senior years of high school, I participated in a teaching internship, and that is where I discovered the world of speech pathology. Shortly after my senior year of high school, I was in a car accident and had to receive speech therapy services, and that was my sign from God to become an SLP. I love the feeding and sensory aspects of our field and working with kiddos with ASD. It warms my heart to see my kids reach their goals and surpass all expectations. When I am not working with the littles, I enjoy binge-watching tv, spending time with my husband and family, and love to travel. I LOVE to collect cups and water bottles and will always have one with me. I love hearing about the crazy things my kiddos do at home, so feel free to share all the amazing stories with me, and if you have any questions for me, don't hesitate to reach out! #notanotherABAmill Speech & Language Pathology Assistant Hannah Davenport, B.A., SLPa Speech & Language Pathology Assistant; RBT Hello! I am Hannah Davenport! I graduated in Spring 2022 from Texas Woman's University with a bachelor's degree in Communication Science Disorders and currently work as a Speech Pathology Assistant. During my time working on my undergraduate degree, my cohort voted me as NSSLHA SOCS historian. I also simultaneously worked at a local Pediatric Clinic in the Dallas Fort Worth area, specializing in patient care from newborns to adolescents. Working with kids and adolescents is a real joy and an extension of my personal life, as I have two children of my own. As a young child, I always planned on becoming a nurse. This was until my father suffered from a stroke. Seeing my father's struggles and setbacks during his recovery inspired and cultivated a love in me for helping individuals overcome adversities to live full and fulfilling lives. At the time of my father’s stroke, I was coincidentally taking an introduction to communication science disorders class where my passion for the field of speech pathology began. My father and our family struggled to find an answer to this sudden medical condition as he was evaluated by multiple doctors who were all stumped by his becoming mentally disabled overnight. This experience inspired me to continue my education to become a Speech Language Pathologist to assist my family members and other families going through similar hardships. I am currently continuing my education to receive my master's degree in Spring of 2025 with plans to become a Speech Language Pathologist. I can’t wait to learn more about the field of speech pathology as this field has lit a fire under me that could never burn out. #notanotherABAmill bcba + bcABA team BCBA Jasmine Monsivais-Mendez, M.Ed Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) Licensed Behavior Analyst (LBA) Hi all, I'm a Board Certified Behavior Analyst that is currently serving a variety of group ages (18 months- 18 years of age). I received my undergraduate degree from Texas Woman's University in 2016, specializing in Child Development with an emphasis on Child Life. Shortly after, I began attending the University of Cincinnati where I received my Master's degree in Applied Behavior Analysis in 2019. While working towards my Master's degree, I worked as a therapist, team leader, and training coordinator. Prior to onboarding to Unique Pathways, I served as a Clinic Supervisor/BCBA supervising clients in the clinic setting. I have been in the ABA field since 2016 and have experience working with children with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) in a variety of settings, including clinic, home, and school settings. Serving our families has been such an amazing experience and I thank all of the families for continuously trusting us with the treatment and care of their loved ones. The outcomes that ABA is able to provide along with the support of other professionals have allowed us to see our clients grow and bloom in amazing ways. When I'm not working, I'm enjoying my time with my beautiful and energetic daughter, Emma. We love spending time outdoors playing with bubbles, riding her bike, gardening, and doing all kinds of fun activities. I'm beyond thankful for the opportunity I have been given to work with a company that is so family-oriented, is faith based and has great values. #notanotherABAmil BCBA Madason Whitaker, MA Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) Licensed Behavior Analyst (LBA) Hello! I was born in Indiana and lived there until I was 23. I moved to Texas in August of 2023. I completed my undergraduate degree in psychology at Ball State University, Muncie, IN. My plan was to become a Certified Child Life Specialist, and as one of my fieldwork experiences, I worked at an ABA clinic. I absolutely loved the work that I was doing, so I went back to school to get my Masters in Applied Behavior Analysis. I graduated in July of 2023, and am working towards becoming a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). I have enjoyed working with children for as long as I can remember. It started with babysitting when I was younger and working with the children at my church. I worked as an associate teacher before finding my calling of working with children with autism as an RBT. I have been an RBT since 2020. I have worked with individuals from ages 2 to 21 in a variety of settings, such as school, in home, and clinic based. I have been fortunate to have opportunities in assisting with assessments, program planning, and training staff members. I love having the ability to make a difference in others lives and my passion continues to motivate me in my work. Since I just recently moved, my goal is to make friends and find a community. I have always been very social and love being able to make connections with others. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, working out, and exploring Texas. I will also be studying like my life depends on it to pass the BCBA exam. #notanontherABAmill BCBA Monique Wilkins, MScEd Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) Licensed Behavior Analyst (LBA) I was born and raised in North East Texas in a really small town between Greenville and Paris Texas, you'll miss it if you blink. I have one younger sibling. I have always loved caring for people and helping them. My journey into ABA occurred when I stumbled across a program at Baylor University during a graduate school tour with my Undergraduate Program called McNair Scholars. I met with the Dean of the school and fell in love with the thought of helping children progress in school and in the community. I studied at Baylor University in their Masters Educational Psychology Program that emphasized in Applied Behavior Analysis. With this program I was able to interact with individuals with varying abilities. Every single encounter helped me grow and further fall in love with the field. I graduated this program in 2019 and moved on to clinical work. I currently have 4 + years' experience working in ABA, including my practicum and graduate work studies. I really hope to someday target the more rural and less targeted individuals. Outside of work, I like relaxing and planning meals. I enjoy cooking, but I love sharing it even more. I love to read, swim and watch mystery investigations. Sometimes just sitting with a a good book or binge watching watching anime/ dramas makes for a good day, as well. I tend to be a perfectionist and put a lot of thought into my work. projects and ideas. I like to consider everyone else's thoughts, feelings. opinions, allergies (when I'm cooking for a group). I like making people feel included and valued. I hope to continue making a positive impact with my work and I can't wait to meet you #notanotherABAmill BCBA Maggie Tobolka, M.SpEd Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) Licensed Behavior Analyst (LBA) "Hello to all! I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas, and am the third of four children. I crossed the Red River, however, to attend the University of Oklahoma for my undergrad. I graduated from OU in the spring of 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in Special Education and graduated with my master's from OU in 2024. Boomer Sooner! My experience working with children began with babysitting when I was 15 and progressed through working at daycares, giving swim lessons to little ones, and teaching in various special education rooms and ages. Working with children has always been my passion. I have been an intern at Unique Pathways for two summers and am excited to join the team permanently. Receiving the opportunity to work at Unique Pathways is a dream come true because it allows me to pursue a career that offers a reciprocal positive impact on those I work with and on myself, as well. When I am not working or studying, I enjoy hiking, relaxing by the lake, baking, and spending time with my family and friends. #notanotherABAmill BCBA Julie Devlin, MBA, MS.Ed Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) Licensed Behavior Analyst (LBA) I was born and raised in Baldwin, NY on Long Island. I have always been an avid sports fan (Go Mets and Islanders!!) and athlete, playing softball and ice hockey for as long as I can remember. I went to school at the University of New Haven, where I played collegiate softball while getting my Bachelors in Management of Sports Industries and my M.B.A. Coaching softball after graduating made me realize how much I adore working with kids. Quickly after entering the business world, I began school…..again. But this time to become a Special Education Teacher! I worked as a Teaching Assistant in a Pre-K Special Education Class, 2nd Grade Inclusion Class, and 3-5 Grade Self-Contained Class from 2017-2021 on Long Island. I received my Master's in Special Education from Molloy College in 2021 before moving to Texas. My career at Unique Pathways began in August of 2021. Shortly after, in 2022, I received my advanced certificate in Behavior Analysis from Florida Institute of Technology. I am extremely fortunate to be able to spend my career doing what I love, helping kids reach their full potential. When I’m not working I love to spend time with my family and friends, travel, go for hikes, and be at the beach or lake!" #notanotherABAmill BCBA Team técnicos de comportamiento registrados (RBT) buscando la certificación nacional Senior Lead RBT Josh Veals, M.Ed I was born and raised in Houston Texas and I am the youngest of three children. I graduated from the University of Houston Downtown in 2016 with my Bachelors of Science in Psychology. It was not until my senior year of undergraduate studies, when I realized that I wanted to work with kids. During that time, I was working as a chess instructor teaching kids around Houston how to play chess. Watching my students progress and get better at the game of chess to the point where they started going to state championships, made me realize that working with kids is something that I want to do. Currently, I am working on getting my Masters degree in the area of Educational Psychology at Stephen F. Austin University. My ultimate goal is to become a BCBA when it is all said and done! I am thankful and blessed to be a part of an amazing team, at Unique Pathways! In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. watching sports (mainly the Dallas Cowboys), playing video games, and reading books. #notanotherABAmill Registered Behavior Technician Lead RBT Alexis Karpenko, B.S. I am the youngest of three, born and (partially) raised in Tampa, Florida. My dad was in the Air Force, so I spent about three years living in Honolulu before moving to the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Most of my time is spent as personal assistant to my dog and two cats. This year I became a first-time aunt so now I live to serve my beautiful niece as well. I graduated from the University of North Texas and received my Bachelor’s in Applied Behavior Analysis in Spring of 2020. I’ve been working with kids for almost 5 years in multiple environments. Before graduating, I started the process of applying to law school but, ultimately, decided to take a gap year to try out the professional side of ABA. This is when I had my Oprah “Aha!” moment and truly found my passion in helping kids through ABA. My goal is to continue to grow in my field to become a BCBA. I have applied to graduate school as of the end of 2021 and, hopefully, will attend by the Fall of 2022. I am so blessed to have joined the team at Unique Pathways and continue to serve this community. I love spending time and creating connections with these amazing kiddos. #notanotherABAmill Registered Behavior Technician RBT Crista Cox, M.A. "Hello, I'm Crista, a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT), and on the path to BCBA status! Born in Normal, Illinois, I moved to Texas in 3rd grade, though I still struggle with the intense Texas summers. I'm the middle child among three girls, introduced to Jesus at a young age, and my faith remains a crucial part of my life. Graduating from the University of North Texas with a Bachelor of Arts in visual art studies, I spent 17 years as a middle and elementary school art teacher. Life took unexpected turns in 2020, leading me to discover the world of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). In 2021, I became an RBT, fascinated by the science behind ABA. Returning to UNT, I earned my Master of Arts in ABA in 2023 and am now working towards national certification as a BCBA. When I’m not busy at work or school, I enjoy exploring quaint town squares with my mom, sisters, and nieces. My boys and I love going on adventures that involve hiking, kayaking, museums, zoos, road trips, or beach vacations. I also like going to brunch (my favorite meal) with friends, reading, watching reality shows, documentaries, and psychological/suspense thrillers, and listening to podcasts and almost all genres of music. I am grateful for the opportunity to work alongside the highly skilled members of Unique Pathways and to learn and grow with the company. As a mother of two neurodivergent boys, I value the client-centered, holistic approach offered at Unique Pathways. I love being part of a team passionate about helping every child become the best version of themselves. I can’t imagine not working with kids; seeing their growth and successes fills my heart with joy. #notanotherABAmill" Registered Behavior Technician Lead RBTs Anchor 1 Anchor 2 Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT) RBTs RBT Justin Madison Registered Behavior Technician Coming Soon! RBT Olivia Patak Registered Behavior Technician Hello! I was born and raised in the DFW metroplex, specifically the Keller area. I graduated high school in 2022 and headed out west to Stephenville, Texas to attend the best kept secret, Tarleton State University! I am studying Communication Sciences and disorders, in hopes to become a Speech and Language Pathologist. I am the fourth child of eight! I know, life was never boring. That being said, I have been in the routine of taking care of others my whole life. From a young age, I interacted with children of all ages who were diagnosed with autism through a close family member. I was also exposed to ABA at a young age. I have interacted with children with special needs for as long as I can remember. I began working with children as a lifeguard giving swim lessons and began babysitting for other families at the age of 14. I have had the amazing opportunity to work at Unique Pathways the past two summers as an intern, so I am very excited to take on a more permanent position as an RBT! When I am not at work, I enjoy spending my days out hiking, traveling, spending time with friends/family, and playing with my pets. I love new experiences and have been told I am an experience junkie! I look forward to meeting new people, and am excited to be part of the Unique Pathways family. #notanotherABAmill RBT Tanisha Alexander Registered Behavior Technician Hello, I am ecstatic to be on the Unique Pathways team! I was born in St. Louis, Missouri, but my family moved to Texas when I was six years old. I graduated from Princeton high School in a small town just east of McKinney. Afterwards, I pursued my licensing in cosmetology, and though I enjoyed making women and little girls feel beautiful, there was a lack of purpose and fulfillment. I began working with children as a camp leader and realized I absolutely loved it! Although working with large groups of children was, at times, overwhelming to me, when I found work in the field of ABA as a behavior technician I was able to operate in the quality of care I had always wanted. The ABA therapy was an opportunity to provided intentional devotion to each child with autism. I have been doing this since 2021, and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. I am a firm believer in the quote from Frederick Douglas, “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” By this, I work and strive to help children become their absolute best! There is nothing more fulfilling in my career than assisting with shaping this next generation for a bright future. My spiritual fulfillment has come from my pursuit of the Lord Jesus since I was 18, and my surrender to Him at 26. I live my life for His glory and He has made beauty from the ashes of my past. I’m currently in school at TCC and will be transferring soon to study pediatric psychology in hopes of equipping children with coping skills that they can carry throughout the trials and seasons of life. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me and I look forward to pouring into your child. #notanotherABAmill RBT Cassie Gonzalez, B.A. Registered Behavior Technician Hello! I'm so excited to be a part of the Unique Pathways team! I was born in Arkansas but spent most of my childhood in Tennessee. Right before I started high school, my Dad accepted a role pastoring a church on the Island of Guam. My family made the move overseas for the next four years. These were very educational years for me. I learned so much about other people and cultures and formed many of the values during that time that I still hold fast to today. Upon graduation, I attended the University of Central Arkansas. I received my Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology in 2010. I always hoped to have a career helping other people, but I wasn't sure what that looked like for me at that time. I began working in an administrative role for an oil and gas company which is what brought me to the Dallas area. Not long after moving here, I met my husband. I have been here since 2012, which I guess makes me a Texan! We have three beautiful children who bring me so much joy every day! One of our children was diagnosed with Autism at 3 years old. It wasn't long after our ABA journey began that God placed the desire in my heart to pursue ABA as a career someday when the time was right. I have personally experienced the life-changing results that ABA had in my child's life and the difference that it made for our family. I'm grateful that I now have the opportunity to be part of a team focused on helping other families experience that as well! I am eager to learn as much as I can as an RBT, and I aspire to go back to school to become a BCBA. My time outside of work is spent with my children and husband exploring fun things to do in the DFW area. We also love to travel back to Arkansas whenever we get the chance to spend time with family. My husband and I enjoy watching food and travel shows, and I like to try out cooking new things when I get the chance. In between caring for 3 kids, I've somehow managed to make a little bit of time for my recent hobbies of propagating plants and embroidery. I never start a morning without coffee! I love seeing growth and progress in everything, so I look forward to working with your kids and seeing that in them as well! #notanotherABAmill RBT Chelsea Smith, A.A.T. Registered Behavior Technician Hello! I am originally from Missouri and moved to Texas in 2012. With a deep passion for nurturing young minds, my career began in early childhood education, encompassing roles as a preschool and after schoolteacher. I have worked with children as young six-weeks of age through 12 years of age. For three years, this was my chosen path but in late 2023, God transitioned me into Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA); driven by a profound dedication guiding every child I work with towards the full potential God has in store for them. When I am not at work, I can be found serving in my Church's ministry and on the worship arts team. During my downtime, I love to read books and watch TV. #notanotherABAmill RBT - Program Lead Dia Gonzalez, B.A. Registered Behavior Technician Hi! I was born and raised in Fort Worth Texas, and as I grow older I find more things to love about our diverse metroplex. I am currently a psychology major at UT Dallas, and I am hoping to start a doctorate program by the fall of 2023. Ever since I can remember I have had a passion for psychology and a deep love for working with children. So naturally, being an RBT is pretty much my dream job! I am so thankful to have a job where I get to play all day, while simultaneously helping kids grow. While this is my first job in the psychology field, I have been babysitting and nannying children with special needs (ranging from ASD to cerebral palsy) since I was 12 years old. I also volunteered in special needs classrooms (PreK-12) for the last 6 years of my schooling. Working with these kids has really changed my life, and there is nothing else I would rather do! When I am not working or doing homework, you will usually find me going on hikes or visiting a local coffee shop. I also really enjoy all things cooking and baking, and when the world starts to open back up again, it will be very hard to pull me away from the art museums! #notanotherABAmill" RBT Gabby Leija, B.A. Registered Behavior Technician Hi my name is Gabriella but I go by Gabby. I am from Wichita Falls, but I was in Lubbock for 4 years before making it to the DFW area. I graduated from Texas Tech University with my Bachelors Degree in Psychology along with a minor in Human Development & Family studies. I decided to enter the ABA field because of my love for children. Helping them grow and learn has always been something I have wanted to be a part of. I have worked in churches and schools with kids for most of my life. I come from a family of educators so beginning my journey with these kiddos is very exciting for me! My hobbies include: going to the gym, taking walks/hikes, listening to music and going to concerts with my friends. #notanotherABAmill RBT Ebony West, B.Me Registered Behavior Technician Hey y’all! I was born and raised in the small town of New Brockton, AL. Being the only girl of 5, I grew up a tomboy. Hunting, fishing, and all things country were my life! I began playing the saxophone at the age of 12. My band director noticed I had talent, and with his help and guidance, I was able to become one of the best baritone saxophonists in the state. That encouragement helped me find a new passion to ignite those same flames in other children. I studied Music Education in college, and after completing my time at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, I became an assistant music teacher at a Lutheran school. When the school year was over, I decided to visit my mother in Kansas and decided to stay. Looking for a new job, I happened upon an RBT opening at an ABA center in Junction City, Kansas and fell in love with it. I knew then that I wanted ABA to be in my life for the rest of my life. That position led me to become a Translational Life Skills and Cognitive Therapist, while also being a lead RBT. My journey in Kansas brought me to Unique Pathways where I am able to apply all the things I’ve learned over the years. I am absolutely in love with being an RBT and conducting direct therapy. Because of that, I'm unsure of what route I want to take with my Master's degree, but I will certainly continue to pour my entire heart and soul into the ABA field. I have a 4 year old rescue dog named Nash. In my free time I’m either gaming, baking, spending time with my family, or nerding out over anime, music of any and every genre, manga, and comics. It is truly a privilege to be a part of the team and I cannot wait to witness the continued growth of Unique Pathways and of the families we serve. #notanontherABAmill RBT Jaile Burkhalter, B.A. Registered Behavior Technician Hi! I am the middle child of two older sisters and a younger brother. I was born and raised in Houston, Texas, until I moved to the small town of Brenham, Texas, where I received my Bachelor of Science in Psychology in 2021 from Prairie View A&M University. Before graduating with my degree, I had not worked with kids, but the Lord never ceases to amaze me. Almost immediately after walking the stage, I began working at a residential treatment center for adolescent boys in Child Protective Services. I have been working with kids and adolescents ever since. I have enjoyed working with kids and adolescents across several environments as I have discovered this is my niche. I am pursuing my Master's degree at LeTourneau University to become a licensed professional counselor, but I also aim to become a BCBA. My ultimate goal is to help as many people as possible live the life intended for them, and I enjoy lending a helping hand to whoever needs it. When I am not busy with work or school, I enjoy spending time with my loved ones and fur baby! I knew when I walked through the doors of Unique Pathways that I was where I needed to be because, again, the Lord never ceases to amaze me! They are paving the way not only for the kiddos but also for their fantastic team. I am truly blessed to be a part of Unique Pathways, especially as I enter back into the world of ABA! #notanotherABAmill RBT Destiney Blackwell Registered Behavior Technician Hello everyone! I was born in chicago and moved to Texas when I was in elementary school and have been here ever since. I am the second oldest of five and a mother of one to a beautiful little boy. I am currently a student at Purdue University to get my bachelors of science in Psychology in Applied Behavior Analyst. Hi! I have worked with children almost my whole career. I did in-home childcare/babysitting for a couple of years before being hired at a daycare as a Lead Teacher. While working at the daycare, I found that I especially loved helping children with autism. As I did more research into how to pursue this as a career, I discovered careers in ABA therapy. I immediately was intrigued by the field and wanted to join as soon as I could. I transitioned to an ABA center shortly after and received my RBT license. I am so glad I found ABA therapy when I did and so proud to be a part of the journey with so many amazing kids and being able to watch them grow. Outside of work I enjoy hanging out with my little family of three and my even bigger family back at home! I enjoy hiking and going on trips. I love to dance and have danced all my life. I also love to choreograph dances... for not only myself but for others! #notanotherABAmill RBT Ayumi McCall, M.A. Counseling Registered Behavior Technician Hello everyone! My name is Ayumi but I go by Amy. I am originally from Japan, but I believe I am Texan! I graduated from Dallas Baptist University with my master’s degree in counseling. I have been working in the ABA field since March of 2021, and I am planning to enroll in a BCBA certification program soon. My ultimate goal is to become a BCBA. I love working in ABA therapy and I am blessed to work with our clients. I have personally seen the benefits of ABA therapy. For example, reduced behaviors, improved social and life skills, communication skills, as well as a host of other benefits. I believe that God has a plan for all of us, and I am here to serve our clients and their families as well. My favorite time of day is to spend time with my dogs and watch my favorite Japanese dramas on YouTube. I am married and have enjoyed being a stepmom since 2011. I love my family and being who I am. But the most important fact about me is “I love Jesus!” #notanotherABAmill RBT Tony Peniston, A.A.S. Registered Behavior Technician I’m Anthony, but I go by Tony. I was born in St. Petersburg, Florida, but was raised in Texas. I joined the Navy and served on the U.S.S. Enterprise, where I worked on the flight deck. I completed two tours of the Western Pacific Ocean, traveling from San Francisco to Hawaii, numerous ports in the Far East, Africa, and Australia. After the Navy I went to school and earned a degree in Mental Health and Addiction. I began working in the mental health field in 1996 in an acute psychiatric unit specializing with children and adolescents. After my graduation I took a clinical position working with adolescents in a therapeutic community in Dallas where I was promoted to clinical manager. The opportunity became available as the assistant director of a major substance abuse treatment facility in Texas, where I supervised the operations of the adult detoxification unit, Men's residential program, and the HIV residential program. I contracted a serious case of COVID, and was unable to work for over a year. I yearned to get back to work, and found a position working with children on the autism spectrum. Serving these precious young lives IS a rewarding and enriching experience. I believe there is no better service than to teach young minds life and daily functioning skills that they can take away to improve their futures. When I’m not working, I'm an active member of my church and gym. I try to visit with my elderly mother and walk her dog as much as possible, and I love spending time with my daughter and 5 year old grandson. #notanontherABAmill BT Aaron Scott, B.A. Behavior Technician Hello! I grew up in Oakland, CA. I was the only boy in our family and played sports my entire life (football, baseball, and basketball) and loved competing. When I started high school, we moved from CA to Idaho, where I finished high school and attended Idaho State University. I met my wife at ISU, and we were married in 2006. We have two daughters, and I enjoy spoiling them. I have over 15 years of experience working with the special needs community in a myriad of roles. I began working with individuals with special needs in 2004, where I managed homes for disadvantaged people with special needs. When my family moved to AZ in 2009, I ran a day treatment facility for individuals with special needs. After 5 years of running the day treatment facility, I became the director for the developmental home program for the same company. I ran the program until my family moved to Texas in March of 2024. Now I'm excited to begin my ABA journey with Unique Pathways. #notanotherABAmill técnicos de comportamiento registrados (RBT) RBTs
- Expert Pediatric Speech Therapy in Grapevine, TX | Unique Pathways
NUESTROS SERVICIOS Nuestro experimentado equipo de terapeutas de BCBA, BCaBA y RBT se enorgullece en ofrecer varios tipos de servicios, que se adaptan a las necesidades de desarrollo de su hijo. Nos adherimos a un enfoque de equipo colaborativo con usted, proveedores de servicios adicionales (SLP, OT, PT) y la escuela de su hijo. Ofrecemos ABA holístico, apropiado para el desarrollo y de la más alta calidad con objetivos de habla y lenguaje para jóvenes de 2 a 22 años. Nuestro equipo de técnicos de conducta registrados (RBT, por sus siglas en inglés) de alto calibre y talento es supervisado por nuestros BCBA y BCaBA mientras recibe capacitación continua para mantener el más alto nivel de profesionalismo y experiencia. Cada programa está diseñado específicamente para satisfacer las necesidades de desarrollo del niño. Nuestros programas están diseñados para fomentar el pensamiento dinámico y flexible, facilitar relaciones significativas con compañeros y familiares, desarrollar independencia y autodefensa, y enseñar habilidades para la vida. Articulation Language Fluency Feeding & swallowing nuestro enfoque tratamiento personalizado No hay dos niños iguales; ¡y nos ENCANTA eso! Nuestro enfoque en ABA apropiado para el desarrollo se enfoca en crear e implementar un plan individualizado para cerrar las deficiencias de habilidades y mejorar las fortalezas de cada niño. Nuestro equipo en Unique Pathways está disponible para servir a su familia en nuestros centros seguros y amigables o en el entorno familiar de su hogar con opciones de tiempo completo, tiempo parcial y después de la escuela. Los servicios de terapia de análisis de comportamiento aplicado (ABA) en Unique Pathways permiten que nuestros BCBA y BCaBA capacitados se asocien con cada familia de las siguientes maneras: Evaluacion Funcional de la conducta Planes de tratamiento Autoayuda y habilidades sociales Entrenamiento en el contexto natural Habilidades para la vida adulta y desarrollo vocacional CONOCE A NUESTRO EQUIPO Nuestros Programas de ABA... Desarrollar Habilidades esenciales para la vida Laguage - Speech Articulation - Speech Regulación Emocional Practique el uso de respuestas apropiadas a muchos tipos de estímulos ambientales. Language Therapy Language therapy targets the development of receptive and expressive language skills. Through interactive activities, we promote vocabulary enrichment, sentence formation, and comprehension, enabling children to express themselves effectively and understand others better. Fluency Therapy For children experiencing fluency disorders such as stuttering, our therapists employ techniques to reduce dysfluencies and promote smoother, more fluent speech. We create a supportive environment where children can increase their confidence and develop strategies to overcome speech disruptions. Feeding and Swallowing Therapy Feeding and swallowing challenges may be present with or without speech difficulties. Our team provides specialized therapy to address these issues. We work closely with parents and caregivers to develop appropriate strategies to ensure safe and effective feeding. how our programs work ENTRENAMIENTO PARA PADRES Y COLABORACIÓN La participación de los padres con el equipo de atención y el refuerzo de conceptos en el hogar es fundamental para el éxito de un niño. El equipo de su hijo trabajará con usted para desarrollar un plan de estudios personalizado. Se requiere entrenamiento semanal para que nuestros padres continúen las lecciones en casa para maximizar el tratamiento de intervención. La transparencia total y la comunicación son una parte integral de nuestra asociación; por lo tanto, los padres tienen acceso completo a todos nuestros datos y se comunican diariamente a través de nuestro sistema de mensajes de texto encriptados. OBSERVACION EN LA ESCUELA Nuestro equipo clínico trabaja junto a su hijo en entornos donde el apoyo adicional permite su éxito. La escuela es una salida típica para esta asociación, pero también estamos disponibles para atender a su hijo en prácticas, lecciones y más dentro de la escuela. HABILIDADES SOCIALES Nos asociamos con las familias para alentar a sus hijos a alcanzar su máximo potencial cuando participan en situaciones sociales. Si eso implica hablar sobre escenarios sociales con un terapeuta ("¿Qué podría usted decir si...") para prepararlos para las curvas de la vida, o para participar en tiempo social en nuestro centro... el terapeuta de su hijo estará a su lado para ayudarlo a interpretar, participar y, en última instancia, disfrutar más del futuro con interacciones sociales. NUESTROS ESPACIOS DE TERAPIA Nuestra terapia esta " oculta " en juego! Nuestros espacios cuentan con elementos de juego temáticos apropiados para el desarrollo en todas partes. , música, amigos, juguetes, juegos... a su hijo le encantará recorrer el brillante, colorido, limpio, AMIGABLE salas de terapias para ninos. the EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER ages 2-7 Tea Party for 2! Our littler kiddos LOVE the bright, engaging dramatic-play kitchen. They have so much fun playing with their therapist that they don't even notice all of the social and developmental skills that their therapist is sneaking into the session during the tea party! Our lil artist's creations! Kid-friendly, happy spaces here! ADVENTURE ROOM! Inside the dreamy adventure room Children's brains don't work as well in bland, clinical, boring spaces. Our thematic, developmentally-appropriate rooms are all immersive, engaging and hand-curated for our clients. SUPERHERO ROOM! Inside the Superhero Room Bold and strong colors... just like a Superhero! Art in the Super Hero Room! Fan Fave: Calling all Super Heroes! Ready to play-act a socio-emotional scenario between the Hulk and SpiderMan?? Bring it on! Superhero Toys, of course! GRAFFITI ROOM! Inside the Graffiti Room Graffiti Room is Calling All Rocker Kids! Kiddos, channel your inner rebel and come practice your ABA Therapy skills in our awesome Graffiti Room! Mohawks and leather vests are optional. JUNGLE ROOM! Inside the Jungle Room Jungle Room toys Mozart, who?? Music is important in so many ways for a child's developing brain! We will have your kiddos rockin' and groovin' to some tunes that only a Mother (and an ABA therapist) could love! SPORTS ROOM! SHOW MORE the INTERMEDIATE & adolescent CENTER ages 8-22 Learning thru play? Yes, please! Bball players at work! The teen lounge room (temporarily overtaken by a staff meeting, but hey, it's a comfy place to lounge!!) Game lounge decor is teen approved! Bright, sunshiney spaces to learn and grow! Fresh air + outside play + teens = the best ABA therapy! Subliminal messages? Maybe. Gorgeous therapy spaces? Definitely. Have a Spin! Our older kids don't really care what kind of therapy they are doing, as long as they can do it in these awesome, colorful fidget-friendly chairs! Fine motor skill workouts! Sweat it out! In our older kids' facility, we have an athletics room to practice coordination, building muscle tone, and lots of fun ways we can move our bodies for greater health! Can't have a bad day with these guys looking over your shoulder! colorful art decor for teen clients Puzzle Time Our Main St. facility has an extra sunny and bright room on the 2nd floor... perfect for looking out over the neighborhood, working on fine motor skills with a puzzle, and chatting about the day with your child's therapist! Wanna race? Who says teens can't have fun with toys! SCORE! Older kids will gain familiarity with common sports and developmentally-appropriate games that they are likely to encounter around town. Hanging out in our teen lounge and keeping score during a foosball tourney is like teen-heaven! ENTRENAMIENTO PARA PADRES Y COLABORACIÓN La participación de los padres con el equipo de atención y el refuerzo de conceptos en el hogar es fundamental para el éxito de un niño. El equipo de su hijo trabajará con usted para desarrollar un plan de estudios personalizado. Se requiere entrenamiento semanal para que nuestros padres continúen las lecciones en casa para maximizar el tratamiento de intervención. La transparencia total y la comunicación son una parte integral de nuestra asociación; por lo tanto, los padres tienen acceso completo a todos nuestros datos y se comunican diariamente a través de nuestro sistema de mensajes de texto encriptados. OBSERVACION EN LA ESCUELA Nuestro equipo clínico trabaja junto a su hijo en entornos donde el apoyo adicional permite su éxito. La escuela es una salida típica para esta asociación, pero también estamos disponibles para atender a su hijo en prácticas, lecciones y más dentro de la escuela. HABILIDADES SOCIALES Nos asociamos con las familias para alentar a sus hijos a alcanzar su máximo potencial cuando participan en situaciones sociales. Si eso implica hablar sobre escenarios sociales con un terapeuta ("¿Qué podría usted decir si...") para prepararlos para las curvas de la vida, o para participar en tiempo social en nuestro centro... el terapeuta de su hijo estará a su lado para ayudarlo a interpretar, participar y, en última instancia, disfrutar más del futuro con interacciones sociales. CONEXIONES COMUNITARIAS Unique Pathways ha creado un taller mensual gratuito para padres con TEA en la Biblioteca Grapevine para compartir lo que sabemos, incluso con los que no son clientes. y otros para familiarizar a nuestros clientes con la interacción con estas agencias, y para familiarizar a las agencias con las necesidades únicas que puedan tener sus futuros clientes. SALAS DE TERAPIA EXCEPCIONALES Nuestras salas de terapia sensoriales y apropiadas para el desarrollo involucrarán a su hijo en un ambiente alegre y acogedor. Nuestras habitaciones temáticas ofrecen decoración unica, juegos, temas y oportunidades de aprendizaje únicos. Pediatric speech therapy at Unique Pathways offers a nurturing and collaborative environment where each child's unique pathway towards effective communication is celebrated. With our evidence-based treatments, experienced therapists, and a commitment to the highest professional standards, we are dedicated to helping children overcome speech impairments and unlock the power of communication. Together, we'll embark on this transformative journey, providing your child with the tools and support they need to flourish and communicate confidently with the world around them. We can't wait to hear what your child has to say to the world. ENROLL TODAY!
- Local Providers | Unique Pathways
Top LOCAL PROVIDERS Grapevine Area Diagnosticians ASD-Friendly Doctors G-vine+Metro Therapy Providers School & Summer Programs Grapevine Area Diagnosticians GV Diag Peter C. Ray Behavioral & Developmental Pediatrician 12700 Hillcrest Rd. Ste. 212, Dallas, TX 75230 214-739-8600 Charles Mike Rios Developmental Pediatrician 1100 S. Main Street Suite 103, Grapevine, TX 76051 817-310-5510 New Leaf Clinic, Dr. Tracy McClung LPC 1704 Chadwick Ct., Suite 140 Hurst, TX 76054 817-896-1866 Ardent Psychological Services Psychologist 180 State Street, Suite 225 Southlake, TX 76092 682-477-8884 Dr. Messina & Associates Sthlake 2 Psychologist 1207 S. White Chapel Blvd Suite 140 Southlake, TX 817-677-0449 PEACE Psychology Center Psychologist 1723 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 200 Southlake, TX 214-531-7753 DFW Assessment Psychologist 202 W Sandy Lake Rd, Coppell, TX 75019 972-702-7963 Annette Jerome Psychologist 520 E Northwest Hwy, Suite 101 Grapevine, TX 940-594-8487 Dallas Therapeutic Services Psychologist 1175 Kinwest Parkway Suite 100 Irving, Texas 75063 214-940-9089 Dr. Messina & Associates Sthlake 1 Psychologist 1500 Corporate Cr. Suite 7 Southlake, TX 817-677-0449 Keller Psychological Associates Psychologist 1500 Corporate Cr. Suite 8 Southlake, TX 817-726-0015 < back to HELPFUL RESOURCES < back to top of page ASD-Friendly Doctors ASD-Friendly Docs Sherry Nussbaummd Pediatrician 1008 N. Bowen Rd Arlington, TX 76012 817-861-2288 Elishia Featherston Pediatrician 323 Westpark Way, Euless, TX 76040 682-253-5437 Rhonda Corey Dentist 2849 Morriss Rd. Flower Mound, TX 75028 972-724-1617 Robert Morgan Dentist 3219 North Macarthur Blvd, Ste 100 Irving, TX 75062 972-252-7569 Stephanie Gold Pediatrician 4255 Pleasantview Dr Ste 200 Arlington, TX 76017 817-466-8008 Debra Duffy Dentist 2849 Morriss Rd. Flower Mound, TX 75028 972-724-1617 Cynthia Beauchamp Ophthalmologist 1631 Lancaster Dr, #200 Grapevine, TX 76051 817-329-5433 < back to HELPFUL RESOURCES < back to top of page Grapevine & Surrounding Metro Therapy Providers GV+Metro Therapy Providers DFW Assessment Play Therapist, Psychologist 202 W Sandy Lake Rd, Coppell, TX 75019 972-702-7963 H. Denise Wooten Psychologist 3861 Long Prairie Rd Ste 106 Flower Mound, TX 75028 972-539-8353 University Park Counseling (Fl.Md) AutPlay 1033 Long Prairie Road, Ste 4 Flower Mound, TX 75022 972-825-6570 Annette Jerome Psychologist 520 E Northwest Hwy Ste 101 Grapevine, TX 76051 940-594-8487 Dallas Therapeutic Services Psychologist 1175 Kinwest Parkway Suite 100 Irving, TX 75063 214-940-9089 BHFS Medical Psychologist 860 Hebron Pkwy Ste 302 Lewisville, TX 75057 866-905-1806 The Oak Inside Psychologist 9153 Belshire Drive Ste 140 North Richland Hills, TX 76182 817-492-5105 Dr. Messina & Assoc. Southlake 1 Psychologist 1500 Corporate Cr. Suite 7 Southlake, TX 817-677-0449 Keller Psychological Associates Psychologist 1500 Corporate Cr. Suite 8 Southlake, TX 817-726-0015 Ray Austin Psychologist 1500 Corporate Circle Suite 8 Southlake, TX 76092 817-438-0866 Laura Sanders Psychologist 202 W. Sandy Lake Rd. Coppell, TX 75019 972-702-7963 Dr. Messina & Associates (Fl.Md.) Psychologist 1011 Surrey Lane Suite 16 Flower Mound, Texas 75022 817-677-0449 Ctr For Neuroperf. & Counseling Neurofeedback, Therapy 3861 Long Prairie Rd Flower Mound, TX 75028 214-302-9393 Sound Starts Music Grapevine Music Therapy 1340 S Main Street Ste 303 Grapevine, TX 76051 469-443-6224 Lifeview (Sam Peters) LPC 751 Hebron Pkwy #320, Lewisville, TX 75057 214-396-3848 Your Childs Counselor Counseling 6344 Davis Blvd North Richland Hills, TX 76180 682-328-3458 Ardent Psychological Services Psychologist 180 State Street, Suite 225 Southlake, TX 76092 682-477-8884 Dr. Messina & Assoc. Southlake 2 Psychologist 1207 S. WhiteChapel Blvd #140 Southlake, TX 76092 817-677-0449 PEACE Psychology Center Psychologist 1723 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 200 Southlake, TX 214-531-7753 < back to HELPFUL RESOURCES < back to top of page School & Summer Programs School & Summer Prog Green Oaks Education and Support Private (5-18) 500 Houston Street Arlington, TX 76011 817-861-5000 Novus Academy Private (k-12) 3400 William D. Tate Ave. Grapevine, TX 76051 817-488-4555 SEEK Camp Summer 3624 Long Prairie Rd. Ste. 101 Flower Mound, TX 75022 806-535-4479 NRH Summer 6000 Hawk Avenue, North Richland Hills, TX 817-427-6600 Shine Behavioral Academy Private 1205C W Green Oaks Blvd Ste C Arlington, TX 76013 682-213-2200 Green Oaks School Summer 500 Houston Street Arlington, TX 76011 817-861-5000 Sound Starts Music Grapevine Summer 1340 S Main Street Suite 303 Grapevine, TX 76051 469-443-6224 < back to HELPFUL RESOURCES < back to top of page
- Contáctenos en Unique Pathways | Edades 8-22
NUESTRA MISIÓN Unique Pathways, LLC es una organización cristiana privada y sin disculpas cuya misión es empoderar a los padres, brindarles a los niños una voz y brindar servicios de intervención de calidad a todas las familias de una manera colaborativa, innovadora y compasiva. Creemos que TODOS los niños son creados iguales, y es su derecho divino ser tratados y atendidos con la misma dignidad y respeto que todo ser humano merece. Contáctenos Primer nombre Apellido Correo electrónico Mensaje Enviar Gracias por enviar ¡Estaremos en contacto! Address 1131 S Main St. Grapevine, TX Phone Phone 817-442-7086 Mail Email Connect with us